That’s because of Anne, a pseudonymous 58-year-old woman who lives in California.
You can imagine the conversation spiraling out of control, but you rarely see it happen. And as many different schools of thought as there are for red wine on silk, there are exponentially more for dealing with infidelity, dishonesty, poor personal hygiene, a partner who is perfectly kind in person but then tweets all his negative feelings about the relationship on a public Twitter account. This is a space to air your dirty laundry and request that perfect strangers tell you how to get the stains out. Last month, it recorded more than 40 million pageviews, and added an average of 1,516 new members each day. With more than 2.6 million members, r/relationships is currently number 74 on the site by size-a little less popular than basketball, a little more popular than tattoos.
There are more than 1 million subreddits on Reddit, though the number of active communities is somewhere around 140,000. “I think I expected a bit of advice?” he said when interviewed by New York magazine, incredulous, or pretending to be.